hi there! my name is lauren and in the spring of 2014 my husband and i relocated to south texas after 26 years in the sunshine state.

with this move came some huge changes- i was afforded the opportunity to trade in my commuter gig to work from home, and found myself with approximately 2 extra hours in the day. (!) i began utilizing my newfound free time to explore our new locale, volunteer, and developed a passion for baking and cooking. 

made to border was born as an online diary of sorts, to help me collect my favorite recipes from around the web to share with family and friends, track my culinary progress and keep notes/reminders/inspiration for myself, document fun findings in the new states we have lived in, and freeze a few ordinary, but by no means less important moments in time. it features everything we love with heavy emphasis on my favorite recipes i've discovered, local eats, holidays, travels, and of course anything on pinterest that grabs my interest!

as of 2017 we have jumped from the southern border to nearly the northern border, beginning the next chapter of our life in the bainbridge island area. our latest includes our pacific northwest adventures with our boxer puppy, octavia.